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Helpful Hints On Creating Tests with eValid
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eValid has many applications in WebSite quality testing and performance evaluation. Here are some standard kinds of tests that illustrate how eValid is supposed to be used. The detailed descriptions give you some hints on how to create these tests easily and quickly using eValid.

BenchMark Test   A BenchMark Test measures the amount of time a sequence of browser actions take. The test starts the timer, browses to a number of pages, and then reads the timer. Because eValid runs from a browser -- viewing the pages like you do -- the times measured are very realistic.

E-Commerce Test   This test tries out an E-Commerce application by going to an E-Commerce site, selecting an object to purchase, making the purchase and taking care of the payment (or, at least, simulating taking care of the payment), and confirming that the order was placed correctly. If you run an E-Commerce test you confirm that your E-Commerce site is working normally, and you detect any errors along the way.

Security Test   This tries out a login activity on a WebSite by trying both a legal login (which should PASS) and an illegal login (which should FAIL). Running a Security Test confirms that the essential protections in a login area are working.

SpotCheck Test   A SpotCheck Test uses the Record > Validate > Selected > Text feature to make sure several parts of one or many pages have not changed. Briefly, a SpotCheck test protects you against unnoticed changes -- either by your own staff or from outside "hackers" -- by baselining a set of pages and key passages in those pages. Running the SpotCheck test will tell you that the pages are OK -- or it detects if there were changes made from the baselined behavior.

Link Check Test   A LinkCheck Test starts on a WebSite page that has links of many kinds and confirms that all of the links work OK. It does this by actually going to each link in turn. eValid will issue error messages in its Error Log file when there is a DNS lookup failure, or when the page cannot be found.